Enkay enters Depths with new handcrafted rug collection

Enkay Depths rug collection

The new Depths collection from Enkay Rugs offers handcrafted rugs in different shades of blue that are inspired by nature.

Atlanta – Rug manufacturer Enkay has launched a new collection of handcrafted rugs called Depths that includes 23 new rugs in vivid hues of blue that are inspired by nature’s beauty and bodies of water.

“From the sky to the sea and all the flowers in between, there’s an endless spectrum of blue hues on planet earth – and each carries an emotional charge and memory,” said Kate de Para, Enkay’s designer, “Our rugs are deeply inspired by nature, and we strive to bring the best parts of the outdoors to your interiors. Blue is a calming and grounding color, which will give your home the serene atmosphere you need for decompressing after a busy day.”

De Para said the rugs are crafted to evoke water’s movement and iridescence as it responds to and reflects its surroundings.

Enkay partners with artisans in India to create these rugs with a desire to bring a wider variety of colors and designs into the home. De Para added that the collection combines low maintenance with timeless design.

Ancient cultures in Egypt and China practiced chromotherapy, according to de Para. They believed that exposure to certain colors would promote healing and changes in health.

In addition to rugs, Enkay also produces pillows, poufs and throws. The company’s mission is to create beautiful lives for its employees, customers, and artisans while preserving the age-old craftsmanship of handmade rugs.

“Our production process provides true livelihood to thousands of artisans,” said Asha Chaudhary, Enkay’s founder and CEO. “Handwoven rugs are a long-cherished art we have brought to the global marketplace.”

The new Depths Collection is available through enkay.com.

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